Keep It in the Family (3)

(Per listings and ITV publicity)
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== Host ==
== Host ==
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== Synopsis ==
== Synopsis ==
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== Web links ==
[ Wikipedia entry]
[[Category:Family Game]]
[[Category:Family Game]]

Revision as of 18:54, 26 October 2014



Bradley Walsh


ITV Studios and Over The Top Productions for ITV, 26 October 2014 to present


Three generations of rival families do battle for some large prizes - a family holiday, a brand new car - and some lesser rewards, such as a string of sausages.

The youngest generation makes all the big decisions - which of their team plays the game, and which prizes the family can win.

Celebrities (or stars of other ITV shows) each hold the clue to a prize. The winning family chooses to keep what's hidden in their chosen box, or drop the prize - and the star.

This programme has not yet aired. A full review will appear here after broadcast.

Web links

Wikipedia entry


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