Paddles Up

Revision as of 10:12, 27 April 2006



Alan Parry (original host and commentator)

Michael Collie

Chris Rea


Commentator: John Gosling


White Rabbit Productions for BBC, 13 July 1983 to 16 July 1993 (45 episodes in 10 series)


BBC1's canoeing-based answer to Kick Start.

Each show consisted of two rounds, a white water rafting leg and a sort of obstacle course leg where they had to barrel roll under gates, tilt their canoe so the end hits a levitating football, that sort of thing.

The final element of the course was to throw your paddle over the finishing gate to stop the clock (hence "Paddles... UP!"). There may have been a time bonus if they caught them, we can't remember.


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