Spook Squad
Revision as of 16:25, 13 April 2005
Three children play three games for the chance to become members of the Spook Squad. For those of you who have seen Scary Sleepover, this is worse. Much worse. For each game they win they get plasm, which gives them clues in the end game.
The range of games isn't bad: there are a couple of physical games - mazes and bits - and a few memory games. They aren't actually any good, but... the third game is in... The Dungeon. One of the children has to go down into a cage and get locked in. They then have to find the keys and get the hell out of there, with the aforementioned plasm. The end game is so boring, pointless and easy that we won't bother describing it.
This appears to have been from the same production crew as the fan favourite Raven but this show didn't really have the same sense of challenge and therefore was found wanting, somewhat.