The Pyramid Game

Revision as of 10:25, 28 May 2006



Steve Jones


Voiceover: Robin Houston (1978-83)


As part of Bruce's Big Night: 1978

As part of The Steve Jones Games Show: 1979

As standalone programme:

LWT for ITV, 5th September 1981-18th August 1984

TVS for ITV, 1989-1990


Steve Jones, when not being a voice-over to every Awards ceremony ever, occasionally could be found in his spare time hosting this. Two celebrities, of the A-and-a-half list variety, would attempt to match minds with two contestants. But not before the distinctly average synthesiser theme tune.

Taking pride of place in the middle of the studio would be a bank of six screens structured in a pyramid shape. On each one would be a title. These would usually be cryptic clues to the topic of conversation but failing that, they'd just be poor puns.

In the first round, the celebrity would first pick a title which would then reveal the subject. The celebrity would then have to describe, as best as they can, to the contestant seven words connected by the subject within thirty seconds. They could use as many gestures and words as they liked but they couldn't mention anything that sounded vaguely like the word being guessed. If they did they would get a humiliating "honk" noise from the judges and they would have to move on. A little bit like Password, in fact. They scored one point for every correct answer. The other team then did the same thing. Afterwards, this would be repeated but with contestant describing to celebrities and back again in round three.

Playing the Winner's Circle game.

Whoever had scored the most points after round three would go through to the Winner's Circle. Here, the celebrity would have sixty seconds to convey six subjects, this time by way of lists. For example, if the subject was "Chemical Elements" they could say "Hydrogen, Oxygen" etc... until the contestant got it or they passed. Of course, the subjects were usually sillier than "Things Not to do with a Kettle" which usually appeared in earlier rounds. The first three were worth a whopping £25 each, the next two £50 and the final one a bank-breaking £100.

The whole process was repeated after the break with contestants swapping celebs so as to give a fair crack of the whip to each contestant. The player who had won the most money that day had the dubious pleasure of doing it all again the next day. Celebrities stayed for each of the five weekdays.

Key moments

Behind one of the subjects each day was a 'Lucky 7' symbol, which had it's own distinctly average sound motif. If they could get all seven correct within the time they'd win the "lovely" Pyramid Clock.


Based on the American version, originally entitled The $10,000 Pyramid, created by Bob Stewart.

See also

This started out as one segment of Bruce Forsyth's big blunder, Bruce's Big Night, then became part of The Steve Jones Games Show.


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