User contributions
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- 02:16, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Saturday Night Takeaway (Added to the Lifted Entertainment category)
- 02:15, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Saturday Night Takeaway (→Broadcast: SNT is now under ITV Studios' Lifted Entertainment label. Looks like the last few episodes of last year's series were the first ones under this label, but can someone confirm this?)
- 02:00, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Love Island (→Host: putting Patrick Kielty's respective co-hosts on separate lines is neater, IMO)
- 01:56, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Love Island (Added to the new Lifted Entertainment category)
- 01:55, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Love Island (→Broadcast: 49 episodes in last year's series)
- 01:54, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Love Island (→Broadcast: last year's series was the first under the Lifted Entertainment label)
- 01:42, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Category:Lifted Entertainment Productions (...we could be lifted, from the shadows, liiifteeed...)
- 01:39, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) N File:LiftedEntertainmentLogo.jpg (The logo for ITV Studios label Lifted Entertainment, renamed from ITV Studios Entertainment in March 2021) (top)
- 01:24, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Category:Lifted Entertainment Productions (Oopsie doodle :))
- 01:21, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (Added to the new Lifted Entertainment category)
- 01:19, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) N Category:Lifted Entertainment Productions (I've got the Lighthouse Family playing in my head as I type this definition...)
- 01:13, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Countdown (I'm going to be bold and create a Lifted Entertainment category. If other ITV Studios labels like Potato can have their own categories then why can't Lifted? ;))
- 00:58, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (The final regular episode of the Bamber Era aired on Friday 4 September 1987, the second game in the best-of-three between Keble and Univ Oxford (Keble won both games, so the third game wasn't needed))
- 00:52, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (→Broadcast: the first episode of the series just ended was the first under ITV Studios' Lifted Entertainment label)
- 00:42, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Countdown (→Champions: added the Series 83 and Series 84 champions. Adding the Series 85 champion, when (s)he is known, will be fun... ;))
- 00:23, 5 April 2022 (hist) (diff) Countdown (→Broadcast: Countdown came under ITV Studios' Lifted Entertainment label during Nick's last series - thanks to All 4 for keeping up every episode since the start of 2021 :))
- 16:42, 31 March 2022 (hist) (diff) Index H (Four new HIGNFY guest presenters in 2021 including Clive Myrie (who now qualifies for his own UKGS profile, right?) and Aisling Bea)
- 16:18, 31 March 2022 (hist) (diff) Greed (Again with the greatest of respect, Simon, not giving an explanation here is not helpful (believe me, I take no pleasure whatsoever in saying that). What's wrong with "https" and the padlock symbol?)
- 16:09, 31 March 2022 (hist) (diff) Matt Dawson (Now that Dawson's no longer a QoS captain...)
- 22:54, 30 March 2022 (hist) (diff) Take the Plunge (Undo revision 86504 by Showells (Talk) As explained, different transmission dates on Anglia and Central; hence the "but see Trivia")
- 01:34, 17 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Category:Zeppotron Productions (Not too surprising to learn that Charlie Brooker was one of Zeppotron's founders ;)) (top)
- 01:16, 17 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Category:Remarkable Television Productions (With all due respect, is a comma after "In 2015" *absolutely* necessary?) (top)
- 06:40, 12 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Trak Trix (→Trivia: ah, the days when S4C showed many of C4's programmes, but at different times (and even dates) to the rest of the UK... Taken from listings in the Guardian and the Observer from the period) (top)
- 06:19, 12 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Trak Trix (→Broadcast: ten episodes in all, each airing on Friday evenings (in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, anyway))
- 05:42, 12 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Telly Phonin' (→Synopsis: linked to Sul Y Ffôn. Also only one L in "notability" ;))
- 05:06, 12 January 2021 (hist) (diff) When Will I be Famous? (→Synopsis: "Old skool talent show" and "Live Saturday night variety show"... these could be combined into one, right?)
- 01:33, 11 January 2021 (hist) (diff) You Have Been Watching (→Trivia: "On 6 May 2011 as part of C4's Alternative Election Night"... shouldn't that be 2010?) (top)
- 23:51, 4 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Romesh Ranganathan (→Shows: Romesh was the only new HIGNFY guest host in 2020)
- 23:46, 4 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Index H (Updated the number of people who have served as HIGNFY guest presenters - Romesh Ranganathan was the only new one in 2020)
- 21:34, 4 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Britain's Best Parent? (→Synopsis: corrected minor typo - no 'a's in Patrick Freyne's surname ;))
- 07:15, 2 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow (Five does seem to be the official number of series, too. What, however, was the official last-ever show? The last-ever *live* show was on 11th March 2006; what aired on the 18th was a highlights show)
- 07:00, 2 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow (→Broadcast: ...and it certainly should be pointed out in some way that the airings on BBC1 and 2 were simulcasts with the CBBC Channel)
- 06:57, 2 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow (→Broadcast: there's certainly merit in saying "CBBC Channel" rather than just "CBBC", anyway...)
- 06:54, 2 January 2021 (hist) (diff) Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow (With all the respect in the world, Simon, I feel this is a situation in which you should have explained what you were doing and why, rather than leave the rest of us to work it out for ourselves...)
- 20:47, 19 December 2020 (hist) (diff) Countdown (→Champions: is it spoilerific to point out the Series 82 champion a day and a bit after the broadcast of the Grand Final? If so, feel free to delete, then add them back when it isn't)
- 20:44, 19 December 2020 (hist) (diff) Countdown (→Champions: added the Series 81 champion. This means a 21st row for this table - hoping my copying and pasting skills haven't let me down here)
- 18:07, 7 December 2020 (hist) (diff) News Archive (→Game show news: we will see Nick hosting Countdown in 2021, but not beyond. I think it's worth pointing out, too, that he's lasted longer in the role than Des, Des and Jeff)
- 18:03, 7 December 2020 (hist) (diff) News Archive (→Game show news: with all due respect, this is probably a less cumbersome way of referring to the best-known Europe song ;))
- 09:29, 3 December 2020 (hist) (diff) Weaver's Week 2020-11-22 (Oui, c'est Banijay :))
- 09:23, 3 December 2020 (hist) (diff) Name That Tune (→The Crown Jools: *four* links to Jools' article in this section? Surely only one is sufficient... I also think "Monarch of the Melody" should be between quotation marks rather than italicised :))
- 13:04, 30 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (→Key moments: pointed out the date of Richard Deeley's game. According to the press, he subsequently claimed that he had intended his actions as a joke - inspired by Chris, no less)
- 07:45, 29 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Jacpot (→Trivia: well, since it was based on the American show Jackpot - and also since just about every Welsh-language word containing 'J' is adopted from English (others: jar, garej, jiraff)... ;))
- 21:05, 24 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Index G (→Shows: shouldn't all the "Great" shows be listed alphabetically *and* without regard to definite articles? And without regard to hosts' names, too)
- 20:46, 24 November 2020 (hist) (diff) The Great British Bake Off (Ten years - and three months - since the first ever signature challenge)
- 03:01, 24 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Winning Combination (I don't mean to steal David B's job here - but I don't think any of us want to see what Wikipedia terms an edit war. Perhaps the memorability of these moments should be discussed on the Staffers page?)
- 21:01, 23 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Who Dares Wins (→Synopsis: no longer a Lottery tie-in, obvs)
- 20:59, 23 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Who Dares Wins (Interestingly enough, the change occurred *during* the ninth series - the first four episodes of this series went out in October and November '16, and the remaining nine between January and April '17)
- 20:56, 23 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Who Dares Wins (There were three other Lottery shows besides WDW still running at the end of 2016 - and I don't think it's unfair to say that not listing these shows is unfinished business... ;))
- 20:50, 23 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Who Dares Wins (To be pedantic, it was late November 2016 when the Beeb announced that the Lottery draws would no longer be shown on BBC1 - their final airing on the channel being that New Year's Eve, of course)
- 19:59, 23 November 2020 (hist) (diff) 1 vs 100 (→Trivia: with respect, this is probably a better way to describe where each series was filmed)
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