User contributions
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- 00:16, 18 June 2023 (hist) (diff) It's Not What You Know (1) (→Inventor: he was also one of two exec producers - Mark Wells was the other, for Granada)
- 00:14, 18 June 2023 (hist) (diff) It's Not What You Know (1) (→Inventor: there are three episodes on YouTube, and watching these we see that Kevin Ball's credit was "executive producer & format creator" - the latter being a slightly unusual term, IMO)
- 23:41, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) It's Not What You Know (1) (→Broadcast: the show was produced by Granada in association with C*T*TV, which was Tarrant's own production company ;))
- 23:30, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) It's Not What You Know (1) (Here's the logo. Why was it done such that it appeared that the emphasis was on the "What", when surely it was supposed to be on the "You"? God only knows)
- 23:27, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:ItsNotWhatYouKnowLogo.jpg (The logo for It's Not What You Know (why it was done such that it appeared that the emphasis was on the "What" when surely it was supposed to be on the "You", heaven knows)) (top)
- 22:41, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's Telly Years (And here is a series 1 ep. Not much that can be done about it being a 4:3 show within a 16:9 upload, alas)
- 21:38, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's Telly Years (There are actually quite a few eps of NTY (er, yes) on YouTube - and from these, we now know that the show was made by Unique in association with the Beeb in Birmingham ;))
- 20:23, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Masterchef Goes Large (→Trivia: Elizabeth II's *Golden* Jubilee... wasn't that back in 2002?)
- 19:59, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) The Heat is On (1) (And we know who did the music, too. ;) We *don't* know who came up with the format, however - no such credit appears)
- 19:53, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) The Heat is On (1) (Now we know what year this aired, and what channel it was on... and also that Carlton were, in fact, not involved at all. Did Transmedia make any other game shows?)
- 19:47, 17 June 2023 (hist) (diff) The Heat is On (1) (YouTube, you've done it again... here's a full episode. ;) This was uploaded by one of the contestants, as seems to be so often the case with obscure shows)
- 17:29, 16 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: I feel that now is the time for me to make the biggest admission of all about myself)
- 18:18, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: time, I think, for me to state some observations (with no disrespect intended, of course) and admit a few more things about myself)
- 05:29, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: images of shows' logos again, but this time it's as regards the sizes at which they're displayed in the shows' corresponding articles)
- 04:59, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Future Food Stars (No offence intended but doesn't displaying the image of the show's logo at 400px perhaps make it a bit *too* big? Actually, another good thing to discuss - the ideal size for displaying such images ;))
- 04:42, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Pump it Up (Images of shows' logos can be positioned and displayed as desired without any obvious need for div tags. Unnecessary edit? Hey, people's mileages *do* vary - and in any case, I intend no offence ;))
- 04:32, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Five Guys a Week (If the image of the show's logo can be positioned and displayed as desired without div tags, then surely there's no need for these tags? Unless, of course, there *is* a need that isn't obvious...)
- 04:26, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Coach Trip (The image of the show's logo can be positioned and displayed as desired without div tags - so these tags are superfluous, right? Unless there *is* a need for them that's not obvious when editing...)
- 04:17, 14 June 2023 (hist) (diff) One and Six Zeros (Re-removed div tags from around the image of the show's logo. Sorry, folks, but if such images can be positioned and displayed as desired *without* these tags, then what need is there for these tags?)
- 19:22, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: C4 *was* set, not *were* set. Oopsie doodle... ;))
- 19:20, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: a new discussion on how long before we can declare a show to be dead, when the broadcaster of that show does not make public whether or not it has cancelled the show)
- 18:25, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) One and Six Zeros (TVZone: "We understand the show is unlikely to return." Five months later and, AFAIK, C4 is still silent. Actually, there's a good discussion to be had about when a show can be declared dead...)
- 17:10, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Hypothetical (Simon, Jennifer and everyone else, I'm not normally an attention seeker - but I do feel there's mileage left in the discussion on the Staffers page regarding div tags around images of show's logos...)
- 16:50, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Cooking With the Stars (Simon, buddy, I take no pleasure in saying this, but this is another of your legendary rushes of blood to the head... ITV confirmed a third series in April, and even announced the celebs then)
- 01:46, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: may I hasten to add...)
- 01:30, 13 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: me being a stickler for consistency once again, alas...)
- 22:49, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Can i Gymru (I added the logo at a time when I wasn't aware that <div> tags weren't necessary in this case... :))
- 22:11, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (Images of shows' logos don't need <div> tags, as it happens :))
- 22:08, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's House Party (I see what JT means about <div> tags not being needed for images of shows' logos... :))
- 21:58, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's House Party (→The Big Pork Pie: Noel's name and questions are italicised; "Victim" and their "no"s are not... I'd be more inclined to have all of these in upright text, with Noel's name and "Victim" in bold)
- 21:33, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's House Party (→The Big Pork Pie: the bits about all the other games (bar NTV, since that's the last game mentioned) end with "NEXT!" So, again, why shouldn't it be the same here? ;))
- 21:22, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's House Party (→Grab-a-Grand: all the other instances of "Next!" are in all caps - why shouldn't this one be the same? ;))
- 21:12, 12 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Noel's House Party (...Not much there, is there? Details of the S1 ep that was repeated on BBC4 last August (which isn't currently available to watch), and that's about it. So is it really worth linking to it at all?)
- 21:03, 11 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Mental! - The Music Quiz (Well, *I* think this anyway - and I'm happy to be corrected. :) AFAIK, only Countdown and HIGNFY were still using such displays by 2003 - and HIGNFY still uses them today, though it isn't alone now ;)) (top)
- 18:50, 11 June 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (→Broadcast: updated regular episode and series counts under Lifted. No Children in Need special last year; perhaps it was deemed not to be worth the expense)
- 18:36, 11 June 2023 (hist) (diff) TV Guide 2023-06-10 ( said there'd be another Ireland's Smartest tonight; the RTÉ Player and my Virgin EPG said there'd be something with Nathan Carter. Turns out it was the latter two that were right...) (top)
- 00:46, 9 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Richard Osman (→Web links: here's Richard's Wikipedia entry, to go with his IMDb entry)
- 00:44, 9 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Richard Osman (→Trivia: clarified that while Richard was sitting in Colin's seat, Colin was sitting in Richard's, next to Susie. And pointed out the date that episode aired, because why not? ;))
- 23:20, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (Well, the recommended style for year ranges within single calendar decades on That Other Wiki (copyright Weaver) *is* to use the last two digits, rather than just the last one, of the end year... ;))
- 23:13, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Co-hosts: Matt Chapman only announced and commentated on the first episode in 2018, of course, before the public basically told him "go back to horse racing")
- 23:04, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Co-hosts: the great Tony Gubba only stopped commentating when he passed away, of course. And didn't Simon Reed commentate on the full 2014 series?)
- 22:39, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (Updated episode and series counts for Lifted, and added the date of the most recent episode (even though the show will almost certainly be back next year, despite everything that's gone on with Phil))
- 22:25, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: tidied the last sentence, so that the rest of that paragraph flows better into it)
- 22:02, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: and in fact it was the second time that series that the FA Cup - and, indeed, Liverpool FC - had gotten in the way, as Sam Matterface was needed to commentate on Pool's fourth-round match)
- 21:53, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: the 2022 final *might* have aired on 20 March as intended, had that Forest v Liverpool match not had a kick-off time of 6pm...)
- 21:27, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: well, despite the double standards, the 2022 series wasn't *quite* as beleaguered as the previous year's, because no celebs withdrew during it... ;))
- 21:18, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: further tidying up - including removing a duplicate link to Oti's article, and pointing out in which episode Arlene appeared on the panel)
- 21:02, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: tidied up as regards the double standards in the 2022 series, also clarifying that it was the semi-final that Holly missed and Phil presented alone)
- 01:52, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Laura Whitmore (Laura and Iain are now married - and they're parents too. ;) Also, a re-wording as regards her Eurovision involvement, following a reconsideration)
- 01:37, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Laura Whitmore (→Biography: and let's not forget her Eurovision involvement in 2014, or her Radio 5 show ;))
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