User contributions
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- 14:41, 2 October 2023 (hist) (diff) Gift Wrapped (Amazingly, VMTV is *still* repeating Gift Wrapped nearly ten years later (why not The 21st Question in that case?). Does mean, though, that one can add the format developers and the music composer ;))
- 13:40, 2 October 2023 (hist) (diff) Index G (Wasn't Gift Wrapped just a general knowledge quiz? The couples on it were all engaged, of course, while Eamonn and Ruth were already husband and wife - but there was no actual dating, AFAIK)
- 15:08, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (The "slave" answer, too - but could a case be made that this *wasn't* a cockup? It *did* score zero, but it got next to no laughs compared to "squirrel", or any of Charlie's bizarre answers)
- 14:23, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": the other "squirrel" answer was in that episode, too. Bit of a shame the question asked for "an animal", rather than the more broad "something"... ;))
- 13:53, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (Charlie gave "Sooty" when playing for control of the board; his opponent - no more familiar with Mr Enfield - then gave a bizarre answer of her own. Les: "Harry, I hope you're watching, mate..." ;))
- 13:37, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (And what do you want to know, Charlie gave the "Sooty" answer too. *Three* bizarre answers; *surely* he deserves to stand on the same pedestal as Bob "Turkey" Johnson... ;) ;))
- 13:21, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": Les: "We're back to Red Riding Hood again!" xD ;))
- 13:10, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": Charlie: "Porridge." Les: "We've had that as well. So was Goldilocks, I think." It doesn't end there... ;))
- 13:00, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": I *have* seen the Red Riding Hood one, though, which is from 1997. God bless you, Charlie Santer... ;))
- 12:40, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (Haven't yet seen the "fish" one either, but that card game is of course *Go* Fish, which of course is two words. Might revisit this one if I come across it on Challenge, or indeed YouTube)
- 12:16, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": stopped "Tin Man" from being rendered in bold, and also italicised and hyphenated "The X-Files". Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-dooooooooo... ;))
- 12:03, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": that's Sooty the bear, right? So no italics required there. Haven't seen this one yet, but I assume the contestant had the wrong Harry in mind... ;))
- 11:57, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": some alphabetical re-ordering (disregarding definite and indefinite articles, i.e. "the" and "a"))
- 11:44, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": italicised "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Doo-do-do-dooooo, doo-do-dooooo, doo-do-do-dooooo, doo-do-do-do-do... ;))
- 11:39, 30 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": from a 2001 episode repeated on Challenge just now. Les: "I'm gonna go down there and look for some nuts..." ;))
- 12:51, 11 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": the same contestant also confused Stan and Ollie with Charlie Chaplin... I'd like to think she enjoyed the experience all the same ;))
- 12:42, 11 September 2023 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (→"We asked 100 people to name...": this was on Challenge just now. When this contestant's family had the chance to steal, Les suggested "tiger" ;))
- 21:36, 5 July 2023 (hist) (diff) Countdown (→Champions: a week since the Series 87 final, so time to add the latest champ... ;) Adding the Series 88 winner, which I assume will be around Christmas time, will be much more straightforward ;))
- 21:16, 5 July 2023 (hist) (diff) News Archive (With the very greatest of respect, it *does* pay to press the "Show preview" button, read over what you've typed, and change it if you're not satisfied - all *before* you press the "Save page" button)
- 21:11, 5 July 2023 (hist) (diff) News Archive (...Let's start that again, shall we?)
- 00:40, 5 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (AFAIK, Jeremy Kyle (spit, spit, spit) seldom took a break, and the same with Trisha - even when kids were off school for the summer, she'd be on at 9:25)
- 00:25, 5 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Trisha's show was very similar to Vanessa's - indeed it could be considered a continuation, as both were made by Anglia in Norwich)
- 23:51, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (...because the 'Sweep was the only one of the remaining 9:25 games to survive. (Of course, Win, Lose or Draw came back six years later, but in a much ruder form and at a time closer to 9:25 at night))
- 23:39, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Vanessa's show not only replaced the 'Sweep et al, but also The Time, The Place, which was somewhat less trashy a talk show. Perhaps appropriate that a repeat of the 'Sweep should close this era...)
- 23:33, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (I *do* love Vanessa, but even she can't deny how American her talk show was in style - and no-one can deny that it was cheaper than the 9:25 games, in more ways than one)
- 20:59, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Take two... I've mentioned TV-am, and I've mentioned Thames, so I may as well mention that both had left the network come 1995. Of course, Carlton owned Central by then as well)
- 20:43, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Undo revision 97859 by Deselmes (Talk) Shit, hit the wrong button before I finished that edit summary...)
- 20:42, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (I've mentioned Thames and TV-am, so I may as well mention that by 1995 they had gonbe)
- 20:41, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (...because the ITV Network Centre was a thing by then, and it almost certainly decided that there couldn't be more than one show from the same company at 9:25 - hence Crosswits moving)
- 20:33, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Chain Letters came back in '95 after several years away, and displaced Crosswits to afternoons...)
- 20:29, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (So many shows in the earlier years, but by 1995 there were just three - one made by a "Big Five" company, and another by a fairly major company that, of course, also made Wheel of Fortune and Taggart)
- 20:12, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (...and it *is* true that many of the 9:25 shows were made by the smaller ITV companies. One of them was even an Ulster show, when that company hardly ventured across the Irish Sea...)
- 20:08, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Well, it *is* true that, until the early '90s, the ITV schedules were dominated by the various companies from London, the Midlands and the North of England...)
- 19:42, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (Well, why *not* point out what this cheep 'n' cheerful tat encompassed? I mention Pictionary, because that's what Win, Lose or Draw essentially was... ;))
- 19:25, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (7 September '87 was, of course, when ITV introduced its new morning schedule, which also included The Time, The Place (remember that?). This Morning followed just over a year later)
- 19:09, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (This bit may seem both complicated and irrelevant, but it explains how the 9:25 time (time, that is, not slot) came to be. Jeff Wayne's Good Morning Britain theme playing in my head as I type it... ;))
- 18:44, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) ITV's 9.25 shows (So how, exactly, did the 9:25 slot come about? Here begins a history lesson. ;) 16 October 1972 was also the day on which Emmerdale Farm (as was) first aired, which wasn't a coincidence... ;))
- 16:43, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) A League of Their Own (→Trivia: good thing the 'Pedia has a pretty comprehensive list of ALOTO episodes, including the guests and scores in each one - and the original air dates too ;))
- 16:34, 4 July 2023 (hist) (diff) A League of Their Own (→Trivia: "On Series 3, Episode 3..." This may be my Asperger's talking, but that feels a bit *too* formal, especially capitalising both "series" and "episode")
- 04:29, 1 July 2023 (hist) (diff) Weaver's Week 2023-06-11 (→Ireland's Smartest: if it's all right with Weaver, clarified that the series ended on 4 June, with no extra episodes since) (top)
- 21:32, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) The Heat is On (1) (→Key moments: after watching It'll Be Alright on the Night 11 on YouTube, and seeing the AWT outtake, here's a little bit more detail :))
- 14:51, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (Scottish made 14 series, didn't they? One Nicky/Angela, five Nicky/Carol, two Nicky/Jenny, one Bradley/Jenny, three John/Jenny (one primetime, two daytime), one John/Terri, and one Paul/Terri)
- 14:12, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (Losing contestants also took home any prizes they had won for solving puzzles, of course. Possible to win four prizes and still not make the final, in fact, because you didn't have the most points...)
- 14:02, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (→Synopsis: another screenshot, this time of an as-yet unsolved puzzle in the main game whose answer should be clear as crystal... ;) ;))
- 13:49, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:WoFPuzzle.jpg (An as-yet unsolved Wheel of Fortune puzzle. The answer should be clear as crystal, though... *wink, wink*) (top)
- 03:02, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (→Synopsis: here's a screenshot of a contestant facing the final puzzle, and struggling to solve it - he ultimately failed - after none of the letters he chose were in the famous person's surname)
- 02:52, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:WoFFinal.jpg (A contestant tries to solve the final puzzle on Wheel of Fortune in 2000 (the answer was David Hockney)) (top)
- 02:40, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (→Synopsis: the contestant had 15 seconds to solve the final puzzle, of course, after the letters they had chosen had been put into it)
- 01:22, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (→Synopsis: the consolation prize for losing contestants was always a watch - and in some series, they received the handheld electronic game too)
- 00:57, 29 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Wheel of Fortune (2) (The last round could be a speed round in its entirety or partly, or not at all - it depended on how much time there was left. The host always gave the wheel one final spin at this point, of course)
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