Film Buff of the Year




Robin Ray


BBC2, 28 July 1982 to 6 November 1986 (36 episodes in 5 series)


Basically a grown-up version of Screen Test. Four contestants answered absurdly difficult questions on the buzzer as well as specialist subjects. The specialist subjects were assigned so if you were given "Fred Astaire" and you didn't like musicals, well, tough. However, contestants were given advance warning so they could prepare. How gittish is that?


Robin Ray

Theme music

The opening theme music was You Oughta Be In Pictures, with visuals of an animated compilation of King Kong, Charlie Chaplin etc.


Future Mastermind champion Isabelle Heward was a runner-up on this show and the only female contestant out of 80 across all five series. She and three other alumni appeared on Eggheads in 2022; she was the only one not to win a round, as her teammates all faced and won their head-to-heads.

Web links

Opening titles from the BBC Motion Graphics Archive

See also

The Movie Quiz


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