Carol Smillie




A Brush with Fame

Strictly Come Dancing (participant, series 4)

Wheel of Fortune (hostess)

Your Country Needs You! (team captain)


Carol Smillie (it's pronounced "smiley") first rose to fame as a hostess on Wheel of Fortune, but is latterly better-known for BBC lifestyle programmes such as Changing Rooms and Holiday.


She beat 5,000 other applicants to obtain the demanding job of turning letters and clapping a lot on Wheel of Fortune.

For a long time she appeared on a list of people with high IQs on the Mensa website after taking an IQ test "for fun" while hostessing on Wheel of Fortune, but was removed in 2003 after confessing to having cheated by getting a bona fide Mensa member to help.


To be completed

Web links

Internet Movie Database entry

Wikipedia entry


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