The Great Big British Quiz
Play To Win TV for various, 20th June 2005 - 3rd May 2007 (also NTL from 2006)
Yawn. When Quiz TV started, we thought it would just be a one-off oddity, an interesting footnote in the history of British quizzing culture. Little did we suspect that it would be just the first of a million (well, half a dozen, at least) quiz "channels", all asking tedious questions in an effort to entice you the viewer to phone a premium-rate number. So anyway, here's another one.
The company behind the GBBQ (which later lost the 'British' from it's title), Play To Win TV tried to distance itself from the TV phone-in scandal by introducing a 'Fair Play' code in April 2007. Yet within a few weeks, they gave up and Play To Win TV went into liquidation.