Love Me, Love Me Not
We don't remember how the main game worked very well at all to be honest (we think questions were asked of a woman and four men, or a man and four women, and if the answers matched than points would be scored. The first of the four people to earn a certain amount of points was the winner and went out on a date with the picker and came back the next episode for the exciting endgame).
The endgame was quite good though. The stage was set up to represent a daisy with petals where the contestants stood - one at 12 o' clock (nominally) and one at 9 o' clock. A series of true or false statements were read out, if they answered correctly then the chaser could move round the flower one petal clockwise. If incorrect, the chasee (if you will) moved round instead. If the chaser managed to catch up the chasee before the end of the time (represented on screen as three rows of twenty daisies) then they won. And if not they didn't.