So You Think You Can Dance

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Cat Deeley


Judges: Nigel Lythgoe, Arlene Phillips, Louise Redknapp, Sisco Gomez

Guest judge (auditions): Priscilla Samuels


19 Productions / BBC for BBC One, 2 January 2010-


A huge hit in the USA, this is essentially Pop Idol for dancers. Nationwide auditions see talented solo dancers aged from 18-35 given the opportunity to dance in front of a panel of experts. The 100 that impress are given a golden ticket to the Choreography Camp stage. Here, over three days, they are put through their paces by a group of choreographers you've never heard of, and some bloke off Strictly before the field is narrowed to 14 dancers, who will compete in live Saturday night programmes in front of the judges, and the viewing public. Here, one dancer is eliminated each week, until the winner is chosen, and receives £100,000, and a chance to perform on the American version of the show.

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2010 Charlie Bruce


Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe

See also

Got to Dance


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