Iron Chef UK



Olly Smith


Commentator: Nick Nairn

Iron Chefs: Tom Aikens, Martin Blunos, Sanjay Dwivedi, Judy Joo


IWC Media for Channel 4, 26 April to 14 May and 6 to 17 December 2010 (25 episodes in 1 series)


The near-legendary Japanese food format comes to the UK, pitting professional chefs against each other in a timed competition to create a meal around a specific ingredient.

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The series was due to run for five weeks. However the series was pulled from the schedules after the end of the third week, most likely due to low ratings, and was replaced by repeats of Come Dine with Me. Channel 4's response to enquiries regarding the series being pulled was to suggest that the series hadn't "resonated with the 5pm audience". The remaining ten episodes were eventually burnt off in a lunchtime slot in December 2010.

See also

Iron Chef UK Press Release


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