Brendan Courtney




Banged Up with Beadle

Blind Date: Kiss & Tell

The Look of Lurve

Love Match UK


Private Stars (narrator)



Kind of Ireland's answer to Brian Dowling (erm...) who worked as a runner, researcher and producer before appearing in front of the camera, including presenting some of ITV2's output for a while. His ITV1 shows Love Match UK and The Look of Lurve are now a dim memory, although in Wanderlust he has the honour of devising the show with the cleverest title ever.

After presenting a self-titled chat show in Ireland, he now presents a revived version of The Clothes Show.


Once didn't turn up for a training course we were running, so nuts to him.


Michael Joyce Management, 4th Floor, 14 - 18 Heddon Street, London, W1B 4DA

Web links

IMDb entry


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