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- 19:50, 23 November 2020 (hist) (diff) 1 vs 100 (All the music was composed by Augustin Bousfield)
- 20:11, 22 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Raise the Roof (→Theme music: clarified that Woolmans composed a full score) (top)
- 20:08, 22 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Don't Try This at Home! (Think it's worth pointing out that Mike Woolmans composed the incidental music, especially as he had an on-screen credit: (at 52:18))
- 20:01, 22 November 2020 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - November 2020: in response to David B, I still think we should mention anyone not responsible for a show's main theme but responsible for the same show's incidental music)
- 19:30, 22 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Category:Tiger Aspect Productions (Endemol UK and Endemol Shine Group were not the exact same entity, as far as I'm aware...)
- 15:06, 17 November 2020 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - November 2020: where a composer or composers wrote a full score for a show, should the heading be just "Music" rather than "Theme music"?)
- 14:40, 16 November 2020 (hist) (diff) The Chase (→Catchphrases: of course, there are variations of "Time to face the Chaser" for when (s)he first comes on set, and for the Final Chase)
- 13:07, 15 November 2020 (hist) (diff) News Archive (→Game show news: pointed out the great age that Des was, and how far his career stretched back)
- 16:23, 9 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Herio'r Ddraig (→Trivia: here's the translation of the title)
- 15:57, 9 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Index H (Since HIGNFY has used guest presenters for 18 years, and the number of people to have served as one has reached three figures... Also added Xander and Brucie as the most frequent and best respectively)
- 15:15, 9 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Nick Hewer (→Web links: corrected the link to Nick's Wikipedia article) (top)
- 15:14, 9 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Nick Hewer (→Biography: time for an update, as it's been six years now since Nick sat next to Alan and Karren for the final time. Also added his middle name)
- 14:39, 9 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Index H (→People: no link to Nick Hewer's article? Better put that right ;))
- 14:31, 9 November 2020 (hist) (diff) News Archive (→Game show news: ...juuuuust in case anyone unfamiliar with Countdown wonders "who's Nick?" ;))
- 20:01, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) File:StrikeItLucky1989.jpg (Oops - somehow forgot to tell my left from my right there...) (top)
- 19:59, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (A higher resolution image of the Strike it Lucky logo, taken from a repeat of a 1989 episode (not much that can be done about the Challenge DOG at the top left, alas))
- 19:55, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) N File:StrikeItLucky1989.jpg (The Strike it Lucky logo in 1989. Not much that can be done about the Challenge DOG at the top right, alas.)
- 04:46, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Can i Gymru (Y logo Cân i Gymru)
- 04:41, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) N File:Can-i-gymru.jpeg (Y logo Cân i Gymru) (top)
- 04:15, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) Concro'r Cwm (Here's one bit of info, anyway - the translation of the title :))
- 04:02, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) News Archive (→Game show news: a better image (I hope) of the Sky logo for the Chop story)
- 03:55, 2 November 2020 (hist) (diff) N File:SkyLogoMulticoloured.jpg (The multi-coloured variant of the current (as of 2020) Sky logo) (top)
- 01:35, 30 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Raise the Roof (Call me picky here - but I don't think there's any great need for Action Time's name to be italicised, or for Bob's full name to be stated in three picture captions rather than just the first ;))
- 01:20, 30 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Raise the Roof (Three clips of the end game on YouTube, and in each, the 54 question categories were the exact same - so I'm assuming they were the same for all 17 episodes. Might as well list them in that case ;))
- 01:21, 28 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Weakest Link (Anne almost always picked up on when a team had a chain of nine or more correct answers in a round yet failed to reach the £1,000 target, and usually asked "Who kept banking?" or something similar)
- 04:26, 26 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Index P (→Shows: Pen Campau is the first of the "Pe" shows alphabetically)
- 23:41, 23 October 2020 (hist) (diff) The Family Brain Games (→Broadcast: fewer words, as all eight eps aired in a single calendar month) (top)
- 16:01, 23 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Poll of the Year 2019 (Impossible ----> !mpossible ;))
- 00:25, 14 October 2020 (hist) (diff) The People Versus (→Broadcast: corrected the date on which the show began - it was, of course, around 21 hours before people heard "You are the Weakest Link, goodbye" for the first time)
- 03:19, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Freeze Out (→Title music: Will Slater's credit was a relatively long-winded one, but still not a particularly unusual one like "Musical Director" - hence it's only really necessary to state just his name)
- 03:15, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Freeze Out (→Inventor: corrected the spelling of Stefan Iriarte's surname. The magic of YouTube once more ;))
- 02:58, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Divided (Ten years since the show last aired on ITV, and it probably won't be repeated on Challenge any time soon - so how the theoretical maximum prize could be won can now be described in the past tense)
- 02:47, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Divided (Amazing what you learn from YouTube - that man Sylvan composed the music for this show too ;))
- 02:28, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) The Edge (→Theme Music: I also see no real need to state Marc Sylvan's specific credit here, as it wasn't an unusual one like "Musical Director")
- 02:25, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) The Edge (Got the urge to make one more caption change. With all due respect, while Going for Gold references just about work here, Bob Monkhouse and $64K Question references feel a little *too* out of place...)
- 01:45, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (On the other hand, "Gareth" Fitzgerald wasn't *that* silly - the GB Public's knowledge of Irish politicians was rather overestimated there (Éamon de Valera was also given as an answer and scored zero))
- 01:32, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (Another silly answer from that "famous Irishman" round...)
- 01:25, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (Ah, Brian Dowling's "les bean" - for me, anyway, the best moment of the Vernon era. Re-ordered it alphabetically)
- 01:19, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (From 1994: "Sheep" would have been a good answer to *this* question, as it was the top answer)
- 01:03, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (Corrected spelling of "accidentally")
- 00:31, 12 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Family Fortunes Cockups (The "sheep" answer was given in Big Money, and its score *wasn't* zero:
- 23:11, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Golden Balls (→Trivia: and no-one won more on the show than her, AFAIK)
- 23:10, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Golden Balls (→Trivia: darn, Endemol got that video blocked. Fortunately, Sarah's big steal has been uploaded to YouTube more than once)
- 22:39, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Two Tribes (→Trivia: also courtesy of the credits from the eps on YouTube, the first series was recorded at Riverside Studios (shortly before it closed for redevelopment), and the second at Elstree)
- 22:28, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Two Tribes (→Trivia: slightly less cumbersome wording as regards the slot in which the show aired (no disrespect intended, of course))
- 22:14, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Two Tribes (Several full episodes are on YouTube, and from them, we learn that that man Sylvan was responsible for the music ;))
- 21:25, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Bullseye (→Trivia: "Jim Bowen claimed", of course, now that he's gone to the great TV studio in the sky)
- 21:22, 9 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Bullseye (The Bullseye theme is pretty well-known, and its composer hasn't been mentioned in this article yet... better put that right :))
- 17:19, 2 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Wait for It..! (Marc Sylvan composed the music for this, too. Thanks once again, YouTube :))
- 17:14, 2 October 2020 (hist) (diff) Wait for It..! (This was a BBC Scotland show)
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