User contributions
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- 01:28, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Laura Whitmore (→Biography: yes, it really is *fifteen* years since Laura got her break. She presented ITV2's I'm a Celeb coverage for five series, and (of course) Love Island for three)
- 01:17, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Laura Whitmore (→Biography: ...and she's in pretty good company when it comes to female presenters who started out on MTV ;))
- 01:11, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Laura Whitmore (→Biography: actually, Laura's known for quite a few things at this stage, isn't she? MTV News was the first of those things...)
- 00:10, 8 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Comedians Giving Lectures (Undo revision 97271 by Showells (Talk) No disrespect, but IMO that kind of edit is one for which an explanation might just be necessary...)
- 23:58, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Peter Snow (→Trivia: Peter and Dan have, in fact, worked together on *two* history series for BBC2, both of which made extensive use of CGI. And, of course, Jon left Channel 4 News a year and a half ago) (top)
- 22:47, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Are You an Egghead? (→See also: this might be a better way of styling the links to Weaver's three reviews) (top)
- 22:38, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Are You an Egghead? (→Host: should it be "2008-9" or "2008-09"? Well, That Other Wiki (copyright Weaver) *does* favour the latter style... ;))
- 22:00, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Are You an Egghead? (→Web links: well, the question mark *was* part of AYAE's title... wasn't it????? ;))
- 18:15, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Mike McClean (If anyone wants to order a copy of Mike's book... ;)) (top)
- 17:26, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Mike McClean (→Trivia: may I add who Brent was dressed up as, too? ;))
- 17:23, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Mike McClean (→Trivia: Bubble was in BB2, of course (shit, 22 years ago now...). And Howard's last televised Halifax ad was, I believe, just before the 2008 crash... so perhaps it's time to add his surname ;))
- 17:13, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Mike McClean (→Trivia: well, why not add links to the Blind Date and Big Brother articles when it's possible...? ;))
- 16:58, 7 June 2023 (hist) (diff) TV Guide 2023-06-03 (No, there *were* six heats, and the final *was* this past Sunday. I've watched all ten episodes, and kept stats. And the champion thoroughly deserved the accolade) (top)
- 01:42, 2 June 2023 (hist) (diff) All Star Musicals (→Broadcast: the regular episode in 2021 aired on 21 March of that year. Would have aired on the 28th, of course, but for DOI's troubles)
- 01:33, 2 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (Clarified that the 2021 series was reduced from ten episodes to eight. Also pointed out dates as appropriate, plus the title of the clip show that aired in place of the first scrapped episode)
- 01:03, 2 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (Having clarified that five celebs in all withdrew during the 2021 series, I shall now clarify that across all the previous series just three celebs had had to make mid-series withdrawals ;))
- 00:45, 2 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: clarified, too, that five celebs in all had to withdraw during that 2021 series (while still pointing out which ones were injured and which ones tested positive for Covid))
- 00:31, 2 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Dancing on Ice (→Trivia: clarified that the show lost its *live* audience - i.e. the one in the arena, as opposed to the viewers at home - when Covid struck)
- 22:10, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (The show's logo hardly sat still, but here it is nonetheless ;))
- 22:08, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:NationalLotteryOnTheSpot.jpg (The logo for The National Lottery On the Spot) (top)
- 19:18, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (→Co-hosts: six and a half years since the draws left BBC1, but Deadly's still the Voice of the Balls - and this was his credit here too ;))
- 18:21, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (→Synopsis: thanks for explaining the full rules of the main game, Des ;))
- 18:08, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (→Synopsis: added link to the 100% article)
- 18:06, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (Actually, why *did* the practice of italicising shows when linking to their articles die out? It probably doesn't matter here or anywhere - but, unfortunately, I *am* a stickler for consistency... ;))
- 17:57, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (...and that the music was composed by Dave Arch, in between Wipeout and that big ballroom dancing show. ;) It's not actually mentioned on his site - but there aren't any other Dave Arches, are there?)
- 17:29, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (Also on YouTube are the closing credits of the second episode, from 5 August 2000 - which reveal that this was yet another format devised by the Chatterbox Partnership...)
- 17:23, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) On the Spot (1) (Yes! A decent slab of an episode on YouTube at last - specifically the fifth episode, from 26 August 2000)
- 17:00, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (→Edit queries - June 2023: oops - forgot the bullet :))
- 16:59, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) UKGameshows:Staffers (A query as regards the three On the Spots)
- 16:25, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Index O (Oops - the Grand Slam with Nicholas Rowe was the second show of that title. (The first one, about bridge, *did* air several years before I was born...))
- 16:17, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Pump it Up (I can't help but be a stickler for consistency... "co-host" is usually hyphenated ;))
- 16:06, 1 June 2023 (hist) (diff) Pump it Up (I think putting Julia and Fearne on separate lines (by means of <br> tags) is neater than having it as "(and Julia in 1999 / Fearne in 2000)". Makes sense too as they both had equal billing with Andy)
- 03:16, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (There was a makeover in 2000, and in 2004, and in 2013 - and there'll be one to accompany Amol's arrival too. Perhaps the heading for this section should reflect its content that bit better...?)
- 03:06, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (→Yet another millennium makeover: tidying up as regards the 2009-10 series having more tiebreakers than any other Paxman Era series)
- 02:56, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (Cor blimey, the "win twice before you lose twice" quarter-final format has lasted 14 years now (and no indication that it won't continue into the Amol Era). Is this explanation of it any better?)
- 02:17, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (→The big picture: well, now that the Paxman Era is over...)
- 02:15, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (→Champions: congrats on becoming the fifth member of the Three or More Club, Durham ;))
- 02:08, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) University Challenge (→Champions: "2022-3" -> "2022-23". Though I myself am guilty of going between one digit and two for the end year in year ranges within a single calendar decade... ;))
- 01:59, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) New Shows Archive (→2006: again, I don't think The West Wing ever dropped the definite article from its name)
- 01:53, 31 May 2023 (hist) (diff) New Shows Archive (Changed all instances of "Stunt/dare show" to "Stunts and dares", for consistency across this page and to match the name of the corresponding category)
- 02:32, 17 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (→Merchandise: "...and each and every one of you will take away with you tonight a copy of the board game, so you can play the game at home." Happened in at least four of the Lucky series)
- 01:50, 17 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (Well he said this every episode too, didn't he? I should point out that I've ordered the catchphrases according to when in the episode they'd be spoken, though I accept this probably doesn't matter ;))
- 01:35, 17 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (MB: "Nero really struck it lucky when he became the ruler of which empire in 54 AD?" Couple: "Roman!" MB: "Is that your answer?" Couple: "Yes!" MB: "You're going on to tonight's final!")
- 01:23, 17 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky ("I'll ask you again, and I must have an answer." That was before asking the main Strike it Lucky/Rich question wasn't it? Almost all the time, of course, Barrymore only needed to ask the question once)
- 23:05, 16 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (→Synopsis: another better-resolution screengrab, this time of a question category and accompanying answers. The caption... well, I think Richard Whiteley would have been proud ;))
- 23:00, 16 May 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:SILFineCutCategory.jpg (An appropriately-titled question category on Strike it Lucky in 1989) (top)
- 22:42, 16 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (→Synopsis: and a better-quality screengrab of Barrymore bantering with the contestants before the game. A boring caption this time, unfortunately)
- 22:39, 16 May 2023 (hist) (diff) Strike it Lucky (→Synopsis: a better-resolution screengrab of MB doing his "Alwight" intro, with a caption playing on what was said in this intro (and referring to his attire in every episode until 1993))
- 22:29, 16 May 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:MichaelBarrymoreBanter.jpg (Michael Barrymore banters with the contestants on Strike it Lucky in 1989) (top)
- 22:26, 16 May 2023 (hist) (diff) N File:MichaelBarrymoreAlwight.jpg (Michael Barrymore does his "Alwight" intro on Strike it Lucky in 1989) (top)
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