Debbie King




9 Live Quiz TV



The Debbie King Show


Leeds-born presenter + producer who rose to the dizzy heights of ITV1 late night as the chief presenter and co-devisor of Quizmania, which achieved amazing success (yes, even a website as critical of participation TV has to admit it). Before that, she was far less known as an anchorwoman of 9 Live Quiz TV on E4 and Nation217 as well as many an obscure digital station. Debbie says that her unique quality is you don't see her coming, somehow. Last seen hosting the ITV Play triumph that was The Debbie King Show.


She was born on the same day (31 May 1977) as Joel Ross. And they were both born in Yorkshire, too: Joel in Scarborough and Debbie at the other end of the A64 in Leeds.

Her career began at the age of 4, as an extra in the Pink Floyd film, The Wall.

She already has a footprint in international television - the Quizmania format has sold to Australia, Columbia, France and Poland.

Web links

Official site

MySpace site

Wikipedia entry

IMDB entry


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