Beat the Boss

Image:Beat the boss logo.jpg



Saira Khan


CBBC for BBC One, 22 May 2006 to present

Comic Relief special, 9 March 2007


Teams of children ("Bright Sparks") and adults ("Big Shots") compete to invent the best new product given an initial brief. The briefs in the first series were:

  • A "new generation" fruit drink
  • A portable pooch pack
  • The ultimate leisure inflatable
  • A "dream" sleepover kit
  • A new practical joke product

At the end, a panel of children vote on which product is the best.

The Comic Relief special was to design a suit for Lenny Henry to wear in the charity telethon. The Big Shots for this episode were Chantelle Houghton, Joe Pasquale and Duncan Bannatyne, and (naturally) the judging panel was replaced with a public phone vote.

Key moments

When the adults (rather unsportingly, we think) brag about how great they are, usually just before getting utterly trounced by a group of 12-year-olds.

Theme music

Dobs Vye

See also

The show turned into primetime entertainment in the Irish language as Gaisce Gnó.


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