Eddie Waring




It's a Knockout


Edward Marsden Waring was the voice of Rugby League on BBC television for many years. He was the referee of the Mini Marathon in the long-running It's a Knockout. He went on to don a stripey blazer in the role of UK referee on the European version, Jeux Sans Frontieres. His broad northern accent and catchphrases such as "Up and under" (a high-kicked ball) and 'An early bath' made him a highly-recognisable figure.


He had cameo appearances in the comedy show The Goodies and in a famous song and dance routine on Morecambe and Wise dressed as a sailor. His edition of 'The Goodies', by the way, was 'The Goodies and the Beanstalk', in which the Goodies were competing in a special 'It's A Knockout' (involving climbing said beanstalk, among other things) and Waring was hosting the show.

We have it on good authority that he used to eat slippers. Allegedly.

Books / Tapes

Eddie Waring on Rugby League

Web links

IMDb entry

Wikipedia entry


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