Beauty and the Geek

Image:Beauty and the geek logo.jpg



David Mitchell (voiceover, 2006)

Matt Edmondson and Mollie King (2022-)


Alex Purves as Gates the Butler


September Films for E4, 7 February to 14 March 2006 (6 episodes in 1 series)

Discovery+, 25 September 2022 to present


British version of acclaimed US reality show - seven hardcore male geeks pair up with seven female models (in the Page 3 vein) in a castle in Scotland. The objective? The geeks must teach their partners geeky things, like building rockets, whilst the models must teach the geeks how to be a bit more cool and socially aware, like picking out fashionable garments for their new lady chums. Will the geeks act typically shy and socially inadequate around their heavily bosomed partners? How will the models react to differential equations? In each episode, the partners are put to the test to see how much they've taken on board, with the worst performing couple booted off, and the ultimate winners splitting £40,000.

The UK version lasted just the one series, but versions from the USA, South Africa, and Australia popped up on ITV2, Fiver, TLC, and other channels too obscure to mention.


Ashton Kutcher, of MTV's Punk'd fame, and apparently the most powerful man in Hollywood.

Web links

Will Goodhand - website of the Christine Hamilton snogger and massage king


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