Sport Relief Gets Sub'd




Barney Harwood


BBC One/Two, 10 to 14 July 2006 (6 episodes in 1 series)


There's half a good show here. The idea (ditch your parents and bring in a superstar) is good, while the B-listers they've brought in... aren't. The idea of the winning team having an advantage in the final is good, the fact that there isn't really an advantage at all... isn't.

Two families of five compete in four rounds to score points. At one point, they can get rid of mum or dad and pick up someone from the substitute bench. They might get a sportsperson (good) or a CBBC non-entity (very, very bad).

After three sporting challenges and a quiz, the winners get to pick two people from the bench (usually the parent they've just got rid of and somebody else) and then the losers get to pick from the rest.

If there was that much difference between the ability of the celebrities and the final round was a difficult sporting challenge, the pick might matter. As it is, you could pick anyone and still win, meaning Rounds 1-4 are pointless.

The final comes directly from Friends Like These - roll a ball into a circle. With seven contestants on each team, it takes hours, as the last team to have a player left standing wins, meaning it is possible to win with one good player and six duffers.

Barney Harwood is too good for this format, and there may be life for another series, dropping the Sport Relief idea and there might possibly be potential for a similar quiz-type series.

However, if you're reading this, change and shorten the end game and give the winning team a genuine advantage - for example, give them a ball for each five points they have scored and the team scoring the most "goals" wins.

As it is, We are the Champions remains the ultimate sporting game show, a fact (and it IS a fact, so there) recognised by its revival for another Sport Relief campaign four years later.

Theme music

Dobs Vye

See also

Weaver's Week review


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