Wine Hunt

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Matthew Jukes
Chatsworth Television for Channel 4, 21 to 31 December 1998 (6 episodes in 1 series)
A brace of mixed doubles pairs of amateur wine buffs each take part in two different wine-related games on location in a famous wine region, their performances in each one being marked out of ten and rewarded appropriately with local produce of varying quality.
Games, of which there was a good variety, included blending wines together in order to match the precise flavour of a more expensive bottle, selecting and serving wine to go with a stated meal in the style of a wine waiter and categorising four wines into having "definitely appropriate", "definitely inappropriate" and "possibly appropriate" tastes to accompany a particular meal based on the description of that meal by your partner.

Place the case
The higher-scoring team played the end game; identify the extremely expensive wine out of four samples given in a blind taste test to win a £1,000 case of it. The other prizes also had wine connections all round.
Stylishly produced, and breezily presented by Jukes, but you either were interested in wine and knew most of it already, or uninterested and unlikely to be converted.