Category:Studio Lambert Productions

(There's certainly a case for making the logos in these category pages bigger than 100px... but with all due respect, I think 150px is just a little *too* big. So how about the midpoint, 125px?)
(Increased to 130px, after seeing that 125px messes up the layout of the definition text next to the ABC logo in that station's category page (at least on my laptop))
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<div class="square" style="float:right">
<div class="square" style="float:right">
[[File:Studio lambert logo.png|125px]]</div>
[[File:Studio lambert logo.png|130px]]</div>
Programmes made by the production company Studio Lambert.  
Programmes made by the production company Studio Lambert.  

Revision as of 23:15, 14 October 2023

Programmes made by the production company Studio Lambert.

The company was established by Stephen Lambert in 2008 and is part of the All3Media Group.


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