Kate Thornton



Baby Ballroom

Celebrity Wrestling


Don't Try This at Home!

71 Degrees North

Tycoon (live final host)

Viewer of the Year

The X Factor


Thornton's background is from journalism. By 19 she was a showbiz columnist for the Daily Mirror, and by 22 she was editing the famous pop magazine Smash Hits.

She got a break presenting the BBC music show Top of the Pops when the regular host fell ill. Since then, she has been a reporter on the stunts show Don't Try This at Home! and co-hosted the successful dating show Dishes. Oh, and some talent show thingy as well.


She is nicknamed "Philadeliphia", somewhat undeservedly, because her high voice is supposedly similar to that of the actress from the soft cheese adverts.


Troika Talent, 3rd Floor, 74 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5QA

Web links

Troika Talent Kate Thornton Page

Internet Movie Database entry

Biog and CV from TVYP

A bunch of lies from Monkeon


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