Y Siambr




Aeron Pughe


Dylan Ebeneezer (commentator)


Boom Cymru for S4C, 7 March to 11 April 2019 (6 episodes in 1 series)


A pair of teams compete to solve puzzles and problems in a deep cave. Only the better team can win...

A disused slate mine has now been converted to house adrenalin pursuits kind of place: there are chances to abseil, walk along tight ropes and rock faces, and trampolines. These existing facilities are used for the challenges in Y Siambr.

Challenges on the show include one where contestants find pieces of a jigsaw, then pass them to their team-mate who assembles the picture high up.

Y Siambr The bouncy jigsaw game in progress.

There's a perilous walk along a rock-face, and so many zip lines that The Krypton Factor is envious.

The winning team tries to escape from The Chamber, a series of skill, mental, and physical challenges against a tight time limit.

Y Siambr The signature game: push all buttons at once.

Aeron Pughe hosts the show with a dry wit, he "encourages" the teams and raises an eyebrow with us viewers. The enclosed space lends itself to some high-quality camera work, and every game is told clearly and precisely. It's made with great care, and fun to watch.

Title music

Marc Sylvan and Richard Jacques, credited for "Music".


The show's title translates as "The Chamber", or "The Cave".

CGI graphics by Bait Studios.

Web links

BBC programme page

See also

Weaver's Week review


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